FUTURE. is it coming TOO soon??!


everything is going too fast.

way over the speed limit.


bigla na lang...

what course?

first choice or second choice?

which campus?

which school?

which is better?

which is the BEST?

what is required?

what do i need to do?

will this fit me?

how do i handle this course?



after every panic. hysteria. doubt. uncertainty.

it'll just boil down to one question.


the future IS coming too soon. (or have we just overlooked the signs to warn us of its coming?hayhay. that i don't know.)just today, we were all as usuall, cramming tO submit our upcat forms. some of my classmates were changing courses last minute, changing campuses, encouraging others about a certain campus or course, suddenly a discouragement will emerge, exemptions tackled, quotas identified, course difficulty, blahblah..ENOUGH!

waaa.in short.pressure is building and stress has succesfully found its way up upon the spine of every battered graduating esep student. again. not to mention added pressure by teachers' expectations.shucks.
what are we to do?
the future is soo soooon to come and yet are we still dwelling in the past?or are we afraid to lose the present we so got used to already?
what else is left to do?
don't tel me that you, too
don't have a single clue!
Our present state is what we WERE. So the future is actually, starting NOW.
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