3 words can sum up everything that our heavy hearts carry.

i can't believe it. we have grown along with time. some may have grown ahead of it, some lagging behind,but we can't deny the fact that we have grown. this may sound so exhaustedly used na but it was just like YESTERDAY when i was still so excited to wear a green skirt, rather than a blue one. when it wasn't a pain in the neck for my mom to buy me the most expensive and cute (and childish) looking notebook in the whole wide (and wild) world!when i still don't have to iron my own uniform, wear the colorful nametags...and soooo much more.
it's even faster than the speed of light. (what a lame comparison but can't think of anything na. my emotions are now getting to me again!argh.)
anyway, so it was like when we were still "littlelings" when we were so excited and anxious to grow up that we start to wear more mature clothes and look more childish as a result! and now that we really have grown, we feel we still have all the time in the world, but before we know it..SENIORS NA TAYO.
but what does that mean?
allow me to enumerate.
1. non- innocence: actually, this is both an advantageous and a disadvantageous thing. the advantage? seniors, don't deny the fact that our minds are now way open to a lot of things about life. we can now understand and have first hand experiences with the things that has yet not even found its way into the highly guarded minds of the little ones.admit!haha.anyway, the disadvantage? WE ARE NOW UTTERLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE STUFF WE GET OURSELVES INTO!We can no longer get ourselves off the hook with the highly strategic teary eyed look and walk away with a lolipop to suck. We are now a step away from adulthood and it's about time we learn the essence of responsibility.
2. SUPERIORITY : WOOOH! let's face it. now that we are Seniors. we totally rock man!haha.(conceit..haha.maybe feel good moment naman!) since we are the seniors, we are the most k nowledgeable, the most mature, experienced, we are the standards man!haha. We are the gurus of high school life. we are ahead of the lower years! OR SO WE THINK. this maybe a good thing to hear but in fact, this is the source of pressure. WE ARE EXPECTED TO DO EVERTYTHING IF NOT EXCELLENTLY, PERFECTLY (ESP.ESEP STUDENTS).
WAAAAH. pressure won't kill you. it'll make you numb.
3. ATES and KUYAs : (sobs) we can no longer excuse ourselves from being called with an ate/kuya. let's just face it. with great wisdom..comes great..titles??
wuhuhu..haha.actually theres nothing to sob about? so what if we get called with ate' kuya? its cute. haha.
argh. i hate writing obout stuff like this. about stuff that matters to me alot. this actually isn't about being a senior, but NOT being as senior. but it turned out this way. what can i do? my heart is speaking now. all i can do is follow. argh.
If you have some mire suggestions, feel free to comment.
"Sweet childish days, that were as long, As twenty days are now. "
- William Wordsworth
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