Of Songs and Blind People

Whenever we teeter at the brink of seeming emo-ness or plain music craving, we humans have this certain song, or at least a certain feel of a song we particularly yearn for. Whether it be a mushy love song, a corny comic song or an up beat one, we just know our spirits just won't get settled unless we get to march with its melody.

Within two days, i have played Super Junior's No Other 61 times, watching the mv excluded. Probably some would tell me, do you even understand the lyrics? I probably don't, verbatimly. But the song has this particular effect on me. The one that makes me lighten up, paint an upward curve on my hesitant lips and see the brighter side of things. It's like you could feel the sincerity, you could feel that indeed for them there is no other to whom they could compare the one they love. I remember just yesterday i told a friend of mine who commented that my FB status was so deep that he has to be "in it" to get it. And indeed, no other makes you feel as if you are the one being serenaded. I'm not "fangirling" here. It's just that songs, in general make people...genuine people. It has this power to rip man off of his cloak of pretensions.

On a bigger picture, songs are probably one of God's greatest gift that man has came to know. Songs, no matter how grand or simple, how famous or how personal, in fact is a one-size-fits-all trade. It doesn't discriminate like each of us does, it doesn't judge, doesn't look at who should be and should be not. It simply welcomes everyone brave enough to sing its notes, regardless of the tune which humans so often strain into getting right not knowing that melodies are useless without the heart that conveys its sincerity.

A lot of things can be said on the veracity of the human heart. Is being a human enough criteria to have a human heart? And how human can a human be?

Songs are just like humans, i must say. We tend to be deceiving, just like how titles can very well mislead you. We tend to be emotional, comical, mellow, hyper, romantic and a lot more million states we get ourselves into. A single song cannot encompass the vastness of all the possible emotions the human heart and mind is capable of, however in an ironical note, a single song can encapsulate the sentiments of an incapable heart. This happens when a certain song so freakishly fits in into our current situation that we even call it the theme song of our life, for now, at least. We also tend to look for certain voices that we feel can fit our mood, melody, tune, timbre and all but in the end, we never realize that it is not us who gets to choose who shall sing our melodies, but rahter the singer itself. All we can do is sit back and wait for them to get in the mood and feel the silent beats of our hearts that shall soon have a duet.

Sometimes, too, we feel so alone, just like how a dusty cassette tape must've been feeling right now. We feel so left out, forgotten, and this is when we start to reminisce moments of nostalgic immersions. We start to border on some imaginary line that divide us from the word. But we'll just get this surprise of a revival. Just when we think life has given up on us, someone unexpected comes, and gives us hope...revives our music and sings our melody in a whole new arrangement.

Isn't it amazing how God has been able to make everything an implicit part of each other, if not an utter clone? Indeed it is. But now is still not the time when humanity will finally realize the beauty of things just before our very eyes.

I started with songs but ended in man's blindness on the world's true beauty. But don't you worry dear reader and self, everything is an implicit part of each other. So in a sense, your intro still fits with your conclusion.

Fear not of those make believe writing constraints. :)
Category: 4 comments


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more.

"Sing me a song and I'll sing it back to you." :)

charonimous said...

songs are manifestations of our hidden desires. :)

Anonymous said...

Then you have this 'hidden feelings *i prefer feeling than desire*' for someone? @-)

Anonymous said...

ay mali delete delete! hahaha!

Rephrased: Like, Ikr? (di ko naman talaga nirephrase)