Reader can't Read?!

I cried to myself as all the hopes of me even touching a novel or any type of printed material of irrelevance to my prior activities and soon to come contests,went down the drain.WOOOSH!The swirling vortex of doom sucked all the chances of having even a single glance on a single page or even a single chapter of a single book.
Just last week, Chis and Chichi offered me their books, "I Hate My Mother!" and "Number the Stars" respectively, knowing i would revel in spending hours and hours lost in the barriers of fantasy and fiction and the make-believe. They were wrong. Utterly. But not with the part when they thought i would revel the indulgence in books and my imaginary companions, (they were irrevocably correct!)but with the point that I COULD, with every possible means of escaping my mother's x-ray vision and ultrasensitive senses, sneak a few novels to read and suffice my thirst.*vampire fangs please*
In short - I COULDN'T. I shouldn't. I wouldn't dare.
I simply detest the fact that i'm getting too tangled in things that i may like but hug me back with stress and more stress. Argh. Whoever created stress, please die no!now!NOW!(haha. Its funny how i could end up cursing myself.)
So there i sat, simply thinking of what the novels are thinking now that they too are sitting still, waiting for the faintest hope of their pages being turned and sentences being given life by a certain reader, who apparently has lost all the sense in the world. ( it's driving me nutS!NUTS I TELL YAAAH! NUUUUUUUTS!!
I couldn't. I shouldn't. I wouldn't dare. - OR SO I THOUGHT.
Then Ellen Rose came. And she brought with her her promise.TWILIGHT! I wasn't able to resist the overpowering urge to read the pages and inhale the scent of ink and paper. Aaaah. It was nice to be reunited with my love once more. But the problem couldn't simply end there. I had the greatest challenge of reading it at home. It's not that my mother would not allow me, you see, she has this supernatural ability to make you realize you have other things of higher importance upon your life that you wouldn't think twice of putting down whatever it is you are doing. Crap.
As i got home, i started to read Robert's rules of order (for parl, go team!haha!). Then i scanned my physics books, underlined important ideas, thought of boggling thoughts, until time grew tired of waiting and left. My mom too was getting tires so she proceeded to the room and slept.
So i immediately put on my reading mask and read TWILIGHT! Right there and there, i fell in love, and fell into a trance. After what i thought was half an hour, it shocked me to see that it was already 2:30 am!grabeh!I had been reading since 10pm!haha!No wonder i was nearly done the chapters!Haha!Anyways, A silent glee formed inside of me knowing that that i have suceeded, though not yet fully. Unfortunately, i needed to have some rest, unless i wanted world war three to break. haha!
In short, it took me 2 nights to finish that hell-addicting book. ( I love you Edward Cullen.HAha.)Yey me!haha!
And as of now, i'm still controlling the vampire in me, resisiting the thirst for reading. A reader that can't read?
Do whatever you like. Who ever said this is probably nuts. NUUTS I TELL YAAAH!

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